Charlie Hebdo and the freedom to offend

Church bulletin

For those who had never heard of Carlie Hebdo, they have now. Of course this magazine was recently thrust onto the world stage when Islamic gunmen stormed into its Paris offices and murdered a dozen workers. Look at the content and one wonders at what point the line is drawn between satire and puerile insults. Satire, when done well can be a clever and powerful tool in public debate. The same cannot be said of drawing Muslim clerics with penises for noses. No person or subject is off limits; every political party, politician, religion and religious leader is fair game in the trashiest way.

I do not like what Charlie Hebdo stands for, I do not want to see Jesus Christ or the Christian faith mocked by gutter humour. I find nothing funny or useful in other religions being mocked. I do however want to live in a society where we have the right to present conflicting ideologies, even if they offend. The Bible is clear, the Gospel is offensive (Gal 5:11). If I am to live as a faithful Christian and pastor, the message I present will offend.

* The Bible declares that all people are sinful – it exposes common practices as sinful.

* The Bible declares that only Christ can bring us to God – He alone provides forgiveness

* The Bible declares that every world view contrary to the Christian faith is false and ultimately useless.

I want to live in a society where I am free to proclaim these truths. If the freedom which allows me to preach the Gospel also allows the publication of this appalling magazine, then so be it. As a consequence of the current climate, legislation involving vilification seems to be headed down a dangerously draconian path. Freedom of speech could very well be its own victim. In such complex days our leaders need prayer (1 Tim 2:1-4). Those responsible for preaching the Gospel also need prayer (Col 4:3). The solution is not to water the message down lest someone take exception, but to present it faithfully as it’s found in scripture, and to present it graciously as one sinner extending help to another. Faithfulness, wisdom and love are the order of the day. 
