There is no app to substitute the “old paths”

Church Bulletin for December

Kylie and I finally bit the bullet earlier in the year and bought IPhones. I have added a number of apps including: Bibles; sermon audio; sports (I feel guilty if I reveal exactly how many – let’s just say my interests are covered), news; and music. The availability of information is absolutely staggering. I remember when we bought our first PC in 1998 wondering what exactly we would use it for. Technology has come a long way in such a short time. I no longer need a road map because I have an app; I don’t need to buy CD’s because I have an app; I don’t need to listen to the weather report because……… There are many things I no longer do as I once did.  

There are some things however modern technology will never replace.

The “Olive Tree” app cannot replace the Bible. This is a matter of personal taste, but I like holding the scriptures in my hands. I like a Bible that I have become familiar with; I know where to turn; I have highlighted, underlined, and noted; the book has become part of me and me part of it. There is nothing wrong with electronic Bibles but I tend to think you get to know the Word of God better when you have to flick through its pages. By all means use the electronic version but supplementary to the “real” thing. I know I’m getting old. 

Sermon audio cannot replace in the flesh preaching. Downloading sermons is better than much of what is on TV, yet they do not compare to the personal ministry of a pastor who knows his church. Watching and listening on a gadget does not capture in the same way the physical presence of earnestness in sweat, tears, and unction. Truth is truth however it comes, yet God has called for men to stand before His flock and preach.

Texting, emailing, twitter, Facebook, whatever it may be, will never replace face to face fellowship and interaction. There is no such thing as a cyber-church. The church is living stones, real flesh and blood people with whom we must rub shoulders. At times folk will get under our skin, and we will do the same to them, and so we will learn to love and forgive and serve one another. We will bear their burdens, and they ours; we will laugh with them and cry with them; together we will strive and limp toward that heavenly goal. You can’t do this on Facebook.             

Electronic media is a great convenience but it is no substitute for the timeless methods of God.   
