A new year is here!

Church bulletin:

A new year = new resolutions. New resolutions = good intentions and inevitable failure. But this need not be the case. Resolutions can be an aid in helping us to discipline our lives.   

Jonathan Edwards famously made 70 resolutions. He compiled the list over a nine month period (1722-1723) covering issues such as private devotions, godly behaviour, relationships and suffering. He was a young man of 19 and desirous to grow in grace and bring glory to God. One cannot criticise the motivation although 70 may be a reflection of youthful enthusiasm. Resolution making wasn’t unique to Edwards but a common practice going back to the Puritans. Today it would seem to be yet another spiritual activity which has fallen off the radar. In an age with so much busyness and distraction it may very well be a useful means of grace. Why not consider preparing a set of resolutions for 2017. Here are some thoughts:  


1. Be realistic

Identify a handful of areas in your life from which you would benefit by making resolutions. Such a list could include: Bible reading, book reading, prayer, family devotions, time with family, areas of Christian service, hospitality, developing friendships, exercise – not every resolution has to be spiritual. Ensure that your list accurately reflects the needs in your life and that it is achievable.         


2. Resolve to make use of your resolutions

* Keep them before your eyes (at the front of your Bible; on a pin board)

* Read them weekly  

* Pray over them weekly

* Give a copy to a friend or family member and ask them to see how you are going on a regular basis


3. Re-asses and make adjustments  

After several months reflect on how your resolutions are working. It could be a good thing to add to the list or subtract from it as circumstances change. It may be apparent that you have resolved to do too much or conversely you need to challenge yourself more.   

Like Jonathan Edwards we need to be concerned to grow in grace and bring glory to God. 2 Peter 3:18, but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.” A set of resolutions doesn’t guarantee either, but as one former pastor used to frequently say “aim for nothing and you are sure to hit it“
